Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

French drain = no drain

May has seen extremely warm temperatures and also tons of rain.  The rain is taking a toll on the downspouts, drains and my driveway.  Wednesday was one of the worst nights I've ever had.  The rain never seemed to stop.  The pictures below are 1/4 of the amount of water that was standing in the driveway and overflowing in the "french drain".  This was someone's idea of helping my grandmother or it is just so old it doesn't work anymore?  I'm not sure, but this area looks to me that someone just dug a hole and didn't ever finish.  Well I'm determined to make this a well drained driveway. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

First curtains with rods and not just tacks

There is so much to update but at this time I'm going to just be updating photos.  The children and I now reside here.  We've been here since the beginning of April.  Things are not completely financed but major changes have taken place. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Still moving forward...Fron

Front Hall looking toward living room
The texturing is almost complete.  The painting should be complete by the end of the week.  Then onto flooring, appliances, lighting...  The fun stuff, shopping!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Emails from the couple...

I received emails thanking me for the items that were taken yesterday.

"Thank you so much for passing on so many incredible things for our home today! We got home and put on one of your grandmothers old records and halfway hung the curtains in the living room and we couldn't help but to think of what a neat lady your grandmother must have been and we are so grateful that you shared with us today :)  - Jeremy & Priscilla"

Thursday, September 20, 2012


A couple hours and a persons life is loaded in a truck that drives away.  
Truck with all the house

Rabbit laying in the sun right below the main window.  Then I heard a hawk so I think he was playing dead.  Tapped on the window to make sure he wasn't already dead.  Then he ran into the bushes.  Good boy/girl

Cleared out main living room and dining area
I spent the majority of the day with the guys from the auction.  And was posting pictures of stuff for craigslist which actually went quite well.  I had a couple that came that was interested in the free TV and chairs etc but ended up oo'ing and ah'ing over the wallpaper.  They attempt to decorate this way and couldn't believe how intact all the fixtures and wallpaper were.  They ended up taking a ton of stuff that they needed to start a home together.  In exchange they took the big TV to the donation center for me.  This is how I remember grandma Merce, always giving things to people and enjoying how much satisfaction that came from that.  I heard "Thank You"  sooo many times today.  I'm in high hopes that my grandma is watching with a smile...and a drink.